Bukola Saraki, the senate president of Nigeria has allegedly been on the wrong side of the law since he became the senate president of Nigeria, he was accused of corruption and false assets declaration. When the matter was taken to code of conduct tribunal, majority of Nigerians were happy for various reasons which means that it is not only the poor ones in Nigeria that would always face the law. The big names in the country would also be made to face the law and this is only happening because president Buhari’s government is in power and bent on bringing justice to the country (Nigeria) but the surprising aspect of this is that the trial judge handling the Bukola Saraki’s case has brought the tempo to zero which is not good. All what people hear now is from one adjournment to the other showing that something may be wrong somewhere. Assuming it was an ordinary individual that is being prosecuted on a similar issue, the case by now may have been concluded.This attitude has made people wondering why the code of conduct tribunal is still on this case till now and the lawyers from Bukola Saraki’s side are coming up with different sorts of delaying tactics to frustrate the trial. Now in Nigeria everyone would want the country (Nigeria) to be good in all aspects but with this sort of attitude coming from some good for nothing lawyers in the country (Nigeria), how can Nigeria be good. When they see wrong, they turn it to mean right and any society that has such system, development may be very hard to come by. Recently Bukola Saraki was accused of transferring about 3 million dollars to the U.S.through Guaranty Trust Bank of Nigeria which is against the law of the country (Nigeria) but believe us, this case will not go anywhere because in no time it will be thrown into a trash box as usual. Again Bukola Saraki the senate president of Nigeria is one man that has lots of skeletons in his cupboard but still he is there deliberating on national issues which should not have been so. Most of those leaders in the senate have also been accused of various offences but still they are hanging on there doing their jobs but if it was an ordinary Nigerian, he or she would have been thrown into jail. Therefore we are appealing to the code of conduct tribunal and some Nigerian lawyers who are trying to bring the country (Nigeria) backward to always remember that it is always right to be on the side of truth. However it is true that lawyers would want to protect the interest of their clients but in so doing, think of millions of other Nigerians your actions have mortgage their future by not assisting mankind to get a sincere verdict which would move the country (Nigeria) forward. Such attitude is not good and is a sin against God which most Nigerian lawyers are engaged in just for monetary gains. However we leave you all to your faith and always know that in no time, you all may be called upon by a higher authority to give account of your activities here on earth and when that time comes, they will be no manipulations by intentionally creating avenues to have cases adjourned. Therefore now is the time to start doing things right because tomorrow may be too late.

Source: Viewers Corner News.
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